Ed Lyons

In Memorium: Dr. Ahmed Zakariah

We were shocked and saddened to receive the tragic news of the sudden passing of Dr. Ahmed Zakariah.  On Sunday, July 7th, Dr. Ahmed was swept away by a violent current while crossing a river during a medical outreach in the Blue Nile region. It was Dr. Ahmed’s courageous vision that launched the Gigaiba Referral…
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Emergency Response Update

by Matt Chancey I recently woke up to a batch of messages on my phone from Brad. Knowing what this probably meant, I quickly opened my messenger app. I was right. Brad sent dozens of photos from the latest Persecution Project outreach to the Agiri Resettlement Camp in the Nuba mountains of Sudan. The photos…
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Giving Thanks in All Circumstances

by Matt Chancey “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18) “Give thanks in all circumstances,” sounds like one of those throwaway lines in a self-help book. But just pause for a minute and really meditate on what’s…
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Waiting for Love

By Ed Lyons A few weeks ago, I was deep into the heart of Sudan’s war-torn Nuba mountains to see for myself the growing crisis of more than 700,000 displaced persons (so far!) flooding into an area already stretched very thin on resources. In one community with 20,000 returnees, people waited in line to use…
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School Massacre

When Sudan erupted in a nasty civil war on April 15th, 2023, the fighting began in the capital city, Khartoum. However, it quickly spread to other regions of the country. There was one notable exception to this: the Nuba mountains of Sudan. For several years, the Nuba people have consistently defeated government incursions into much…
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Rescue the Perishing

Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter. If you say, “Behold, we did not know this,” does not he who weighs the heart perceive it? Prov. 24:11-12a (ESV) As of this writing, the current war in Sudan (which began on April 15th, 2023) has…
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Safe Water Emergency!

Since war broke out on April 15, 2023, 12 MILLION people have been displaced by fighting in Sudan, including hundreds of thousands of Christians. The level of destruction within Sudan’s capital region alone (Khartoum) has decimated 90 percent of the industry. The national currency is in a free fall and Sudan has arguably surpassed Ukraine…
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Gigaiba Referral Hospital Update

The ministry of healing at the Persecution Project-supported Gigaiba Referral Hospital in the Nuba mountains of Sudan continues— thanks to your active compassion. We especially thank the members of our Nuba Breakfast Club, which provides monthly support to keep this “house of healing” open and saving lives every day. You can learn more by visiting…
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Good Shepherds

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.” John 10:11 Jesus describes Himself as the “Good Shepherd.” He then goes on to indicate what that means. “The good shepherd gives His life for the sheep.” It can seem ridiculous to us in the 21st century to consider it a…
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Looking Forward… by Going Back

As we look forward to a new year of ministry, we at Persecution Project feel it important to first go back and remember the blessings of the previous year. It’s both encouraging and challenging. It’s encouraging because we can see all the progress made in just a few months. It’s challenging because we want to…
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