PPF has developed this privacy policy to ensure our donors (past and present) that all donor information will not be shared with any third party.
PPF has a strong commitment to internet privacy. You can visit all portions of www.Persecutionproject.org without telling us who you are and without revealing any personal information. The only information we collect from a normal web site visit is your IP address, the browser and type of machine you are using, the web site that referred you to us, the pages you request and the date and time you request them. These collection practices are consistent with all internet traffic and are not dissimilar from other secure web standards. We do not use such information other than to collect it for the purpose of improving our website. PPF will honor and respect your privacy. Your information will not be sold or shared at any time.
Here are a few guarantees you can expect:
I PPF uses donations effectively for their intended purposes as prescribed by the donor.
II PPF publishes on our website the identity of those serving on the organization’s governing board. You, as a donor, can expect the board to exercise prudent judgment in its stewardship responsibilities.
III PPF publishes on our website the most recent audited financial statements and a completed Form 990.
IV PPF provides you with appropriate and timely acknowledgment and recognition.
V PPF handles your donation information with utmost confidentiality to the extent provided by law.
VI You, as a donor, can expect that all relationships with individuals representing our organization (PPF) will be professional and cordial in nature.
VII You have the right to request your name to be unsubscribed. PPF will always honor your request barring any clerical error.
VIII You have the right to ask questions when making a donation and to receive prompt, truthful and forthright answers.
IX PPF will not sell or trade an active, lapsed, or prospective donor’s personal information to another entity.
Persecution Project Foundation is exempt from Federal income tax under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and is treated as a public charity. Our IRS determination letter is available here.
FORM 990
Our 2023 Form 990 is available here.
Our 2023 Audited Financial Statement is available here.
Our 2023 Use of Resources Chart is available here.
Our 2022 Annual Report is available here.
Persecution Project Foundation is committed to the highest possible standards of ethical, moral, and legal conduct. Consistent with this commitment, this policy aims to provide an avenue for employees to raise concerns about suspected misconduct, dishonesty, and fraud and to provide reassurance that they will be protected from reprisals or victimization for whistle-blowing in good faith.
You can view our whistleblower policy here.
All trustees, officers, agents, and employees of Persecution Project Foundation (PPF) shall disclose all real or apparent conflict or dualities of interest that they discover or that have been brought to their attention in connection with PPF’s activities. “Disclosure” shall mean providing properly, to the appropriate person, a written description of the facts comprising the real or apparent conflict or duality of interest. An annual disclosure statement shall be circulated to trustees, officers, and certain identified agents and employees to assist them in considering such disclosure, but disclosure is appropriate and required whenever conflicts or dualities of interest may occur. The written notice of disclosures shall be filed with the Chief Executive Officer or such other person designated by the Chief Executive Officer to receive such notifications. At the meeting of the Board of Directors, all disclosures of real or apparent conflict or duality of interest shall be noted for the record in the minutes.
An individual trustee, officer, agent, or employee who believes that he or she or an immediate member of his or her family might have a real or apparent conflict of interest, in addition to filing a notice of disclosure, must abstain from:
1 participating in discussions or deliberations with respect to the subject of the conflict (other than to present factual information or to answer questions)
2 using his or her personal influence to affect deliberations
3 making motions
4 voting
5 executing agreements, or
6 taking similar actions on behalf of the organizations where the conflict or duality of interest might pertain by law, agreement, or otherwise.
At the discretion of the Board of Directors, a person with a real or apparent conflict or duality of interest may be excused from all or any portion of discussion or deliberations with respect to the subject of the conflict.
A member of the Board of Directors, who, having disclosed a conflict or duality of interest, nevertheless shall be counted in determining the existence of a quorum at any meeting in which the subject of the conflict is discussed. The minutes of the meeting shall reflect the individual’s disclosure, the vote thereon, and the individual’s abstention from participation and voting.
The Chief Executive Officer shall ensure that all trustees, officers, agents, employees, and independent contractors of PPF are made aware of the organization’s policy with respect to conflicts or duality of interest.