Trauma Healing


A war may officially “end” at the signing of a peace treaty or armistice. But, for the victims of war, the battle may never end.

Trauma is a real challenge in places like the war-torn Nuba mountains of Sudan—an area where literally every resident has experienced physical or emotional trauma.

Trauma Healing Workshop
Trauma Healing Workshop

Many were traumatized by battle. Many were traumatized by the loss of loved ones to preventable disease due to a humanitarian blockade. Many were traumatized by the indiscriminate bombing and artillery fire from the enemy.

Trauma affects the entire life of an individual, both spiritual and physical.

PPF began Trauma Healing Training in 2019 with 60 pastors and church leaders from Umdorein and Heiban counties in the Nuba mountains. These leaders received training in how to help those suffering severe emotional and physical trauma. 

Those displaced by war are victims of trauma.
Those displaced by war are victims of trauma.

Pastor Nebil Mubarak explained, “With the knowledge I learned last year, I was able to assist in domestic issues which were hard to solve before. The knowledge is practical as I helped get healed and also able to guide many friends to attain healing in their lives.”

Pastor Abdalrahman said, “I discovered I have been a problem to my family, the church and even my neighbors. May God forgive me because I was traumatized when I saw people killed by government planes. From that day, my life was affected and nobody helped me. It was when I was taught about trauma and allowed to heal, that I am now free and have peace within myself. I am now able to be a blessing to my family and to the church.”

In 2020, PPF organized follow-up trauma healing training and expanded into two more Nuba counties: Delami and Tobo. The follow-up training expanded upon what was taught before, and it was important to hear from the graduates on how successful they have been in implementing their training.

Trauma can affect anyone
Trauma can affect anyone
Maimed boy
Maimed boy

In 2020, PPF-sponsored Trauma Healing classes trained 111 pastors and church leaders from four Nuba counties. Pastor Tito Abaha Oturo and Ezekiel Youhana Paja, our partners from South Sudan, visited the Nuba Governor in Kauda and shared plans for expanding training classes throughout the mountains.  The governor was very excited and encouraged the men to train as many pastors, teachers, nurses and chaplains as possible to fight trauma. “Trauma is the worst unseen enemy that we must fight from all corners,” said the Governor.

Persecution Project’s Trauma Healing Training is part of our Discipleship and Evangelism program. This program seeks to serve the spiritual and emotional needs of the persecuted. All too often, the emphasis is on feeding the hungry, or giving medicine to the sick. But the mind and spirit can also be hungry and sick.

Training graduate Pastor Mubarak Nebil Bari praised PPF’s Trauma Healing program. “The training this year has added more knowledge to me. I learned trauma affects our personal, ministry, family and community life. I have seen it. I have experienced it. I realize God has called us not only to preach, but to show His love, grace and mercy to others in healing the pain of a wounded heart.”

Pastor Bolis Makana agreed. “I am able to discover the disease which caused anger in my life. I had wounds in my heart for years. This has affected my relationship with my family and colleagues in the ministry. I didn’t know, but through the training I realized it and how to deal with it. Now, I feel healed. I will work hard to help many people in my community. I thank God for PPF for helping us. May God bless the organization as it blesses the people in the Nuba.”

Pastors and Church Leaders
Pastors and Church Leaders

Fedila was one of the few women attending the training. She expressed her gratefulness for being included. “I have never had any training of this kind in my life. It has helped me personally to deal with trauma in my life. I hope PPF expands the training to include women-only sessions. Women have been severely affected by trauma in the Nuba. And training women means training children and the entire nation.”  

Fedila makes a great point. PPF plans to expand our Trauma Healing Classes in 2021 to include more women. As with everything we do, success depends on the “active compassion” of our ministry partners in America. Thank you for generously supporting all of our Discipleship and Evangelism projects. They are truly gifts with eternal benefits.

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