The Final Push: Ending 2020 on a High Note

The Year 2020 will be one for the record books for everyone. It will be one of those “mile markers” where you see other years or life events in terms of how it compares to 2020. “Well at least it’s not 2020,” or “I haven’t seen anything like this since 2020.”

For Persecution Project, this is certainly the case. However, while many will focus on the negative associations with this year, 2020 will be remembered by our team as another example of God’s faithfulness in the midst of enormous challenges.


When we planned the budget for 2020, we had no idea we would face a global shutdown for most of the year. We had no idea that international travel would be seriously complicated or even banned. We had no idea supply chains would be disrupted so comprehensively.

Long lines form at relief distributions.
Long lines form at relief distributions.

But where new obstacles appeared, Providence intervened. The Nuba mountains of Sudan was already isolated from the world due to a humanitarian blockade which is still in effect (although “fake news” claims it has been lifted). When the initial COVID-panic resulted in border closings, we were worried that a pandemic might complete the attempted choke hold over the Nuba that the Islamists in power have been attempting for years.

Yet, it didn’t happen. On the contrary, our team received special exemptions to keep the supply chain open. The single, delicate corridor into the Nuba has remained open, and your “Active Compassion” has flowed in.

More than 30 metric tons of medicine so far. Thousands of emergency shelter tarps, refugee and dignity kits and boxes of emergency food, as well as important building supplies for Dr. Ahmed’s Hospital maternity ward construction.

And we’re not done yet. For the fourth quarter of 2020, we want to end on a high note. We plan to deliver another 80 metric tons of relief before the end of the year. This last consignment of 2020 will include many of the same items as before, with the addition of thousands of Bibles, audio Bibles and Bible radios.

Tarps protect families from the weather.
Tarps protect families from the weather.

When we say “Providence” intervened, it wasn’t as though the skies opened and angels descended carrying bags of emergency food. No, you know how this works. God takes delight in accomplishing great works of mercy using ordinary people. People like you and me.

We are so grateful for your faithful love and support for our persecuted brothers and sisters in Sudan. It is exciting to see how much the church is growing in an area which has seen brutal Islamist persecution. The message of forgiveness and the work of reconciliation is one we all need to hear— but especially a community which has seen little peace in the last 60+ years.

No matter how you’ve fared in 2020, you can know that your love in action has made a difference— a huge difference. And there is still time left in the year for you to help us end the year on a high note… and be ready to hit the ground running in 2021!

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