In October, fresh protests broke out all over Sudan. That month was the year anniversary when Islamists in the military forcefully removed the civilian element in the transitionary government, essentially ending the efforts of forming a real democracy. The people of Sudan took to the streets to remind the Islamists that they don’t intend to simply give up and let them continue their reign of terror over the war-weary populace.
The Islamists wasted no time in responding. The old “empire” struck back. The military started a crackdown on protestors, including launching fresh military attacks on their old rivals in the Blue Nile State and the hated Nuba mountains region in Southern Kordofan State.
The Nuba have been particularly resistant to any attempt by Islamists to impose Sharia law in their territory. The result has been a dramatic rise in the Nuba population. In 2011, the population stood at around one million souls. By 2022, that number has grown to nearly three million.
People in Sudan are “voting with their feet.” Even though the Nuba is very under-developed and suffers from a government-imposed humanitarian blockade, it is still free. Christians in Sudan can worship in the Nuba without fear of imprisonment. Churches can conduct evangelistic outreaches and operate Christian schools.
Unfortunately, the government attacks have added to the problems faced by the civilian administration in the Nuba. Thousands of newly displaced Nuba families have been pouring into the “free” areas to find safety. This displacement comes on the heels of the worst rainy season in most people’s memory. The seasonal rains were so heavy, many crops were lost— as well as homes.
The result is a perfect storm of challenges. But our friends in the Nuba are not alone. They have their faith. They have their heavenly Father. And they have YOU.
The encouraging part of this news is to see how the Nuba church continues to come together to serve their community. The civilian administration in the Nuba has its hands full. It falls upon the local church to function as the “social safety net” for families in need.
All of the non-medical aid Persecution Project sends into the Nuba (items like blankets, tarps, mosquito nets, cooking pots, clothing, etc.) are distributed by the local church to make sure our “active compassion” reaches the people most in need of this encouragement and assistance.
But none of this would be happening without your continued prayers and giving to help your brothers and sisters so far away. The world may have ignored their cries, but you haven’t. Thank you for continuing to remember the persecuted in their time of need. Merry Christmas to you all, and a very Happy and Prosperous New Year from your family at Persecution Project.