When Persecution Project writes about “Active Compassion for the Persecuted,” we’re writing mostly about little people.
When we report on impending famine conditions, we’re talking about mostly hungry little people.
When we speak about a government-sponsored campaign of extermination, we’re talking about the extermination of mostly little people.
The embargoed area of Sudan’s Nuba mountains is like most places in the country in that it’s home to lots of young people. Children under 15 years of age easily make up more than half the population. We don’t need scientific surveys to tell us this. We just look around. Kids are everywhere.
In a rural, pastoral community like the Nuba, children are a major blessing. Little boys tend large herds of cattle while girls fetch heavy containers of water from the wells. Hard work in a part of life, and most little people have big jobs.
Unfortunately, with the current war, most of the victims are also little people. Most of the suffering and sickness is borne by little bodies. The killed and wounded are disproportionately children.
But on the flip side, your active compassion towards the persecuted in Sudan is mostly blessing little victims. Most of the medicine helps heal little bodies. Most of the emergency food supplies fill little bellies. And most people drinking from newly repaired wells are little people.
The local church mirrors the rest of the community in that congregations are heavily populated by children. Their voices are typically the loudest, and their worship the most enthusiastic and sincere.
When you pray for the persecuted in Sudan, do you picture people like you who may just look or dress differently? Well, if you picture them as being a lot younger, you’ll be closer to reality.
Jesus said that “inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto Me.” (Matt. 25:40)
In this verse, Christ identifies with the marginalized in society and invites us to fellowship with Him by meeting Him at their level. It’s hard to imagine being more marginalized than a child living in a war zone in one of the poorest, most underdeveloped areas of the world. But hopefully the pictures in this report will convince you more than words that we have definitely found Christ in this special community of little people.