“Bow down Your ear to me, Deliver me speedily; Be my rock of refuge, A fortress of defense to save me.” (Psalm 31:2 NKJV)
God-willing, by the time you read these lines, Persecution Project will have completed, or nearly completed, our fourth-quarter Christmas airlift to deliver 80 metric tons of additional aid to the persecuted in Sudan’s war-torn Nuba mountains.
This aid included many relief items and discipleship materials, as well as more building supplies for Dr. Ahmed’s Gigaiba Hospital.
The arrival of this new consignment was very timely— and not just because it is in time for Christmas celebrations.
The year 2020 has been a very hard one for the people of Sudan. After over thirty years of corrupt Islamist rule brought the economy to its knees, global Covid shutdowns nearly finished it off.
Nearly 300,000 Nuba have fled the cities and other parts of Sudan and returned to their native mountain homes. You know things have to be bad when the war-torn Nuba mountains (which are still under a humanitarian blockade) are better off than much of the rest of the country!
What this additional influx of returnees means for the Nuba is that scarce resources are even harder to obtain. Shortages abound. The limited services and infrastructure available are stressed to the breaking point.
When people are under this strain, they are tempted to cry out the Davidic Psalms, like Chapter 31. “Deliver me speedily!”
You can imagine their joy when PPF relief convoys roll along the mountain roads bringing more of your active compassion to those so desperately in need of it.
Although the world was drawing back in fear and anxiety, this “deliverance” was made possible because God moved in your heart to give. For whatever reason, you decided that in the middle of a global crisis, you would dig deeper into your hearts and send more love to those who were sure to be overlooked.
And far more important than the actual items delivered, your giving brought encouragement— the greatest need of all. People in crisis need encouragement. Sometimes we can push through hardships just knowing that we are not alone. Our struggle is not unnoticed.
When you support Persecution Project’s ministry of “Active Compassion,” the physical aid may help tens of thousands, but the encouragement it brings touches many tribes and communities.
We hope the images from our Christmas Airlift bring you comfort and joy this season. Thank you for your faithfulness as together we stand in solidarity with the persecuted.