At time of publication, during the months of November and December of 2018, Persecution Project successfully conducted nine crisis relief flights to bring a total of 58.5 metric tons of aid and encouragement to our brothers and sisters under siege in Sudan’s war-torn Nuba mountains.
The Nuba region is about the size of the State of Georgia, but there is only one open road where supplies can make it in (and then only after great difficulty and expense!).
PPF’s “Special Delivery” consisted of emergency refugee kits, hospital building materials, Bibles, shelter tarps, compact emergency food, medicine, and more.
The war in the Nuba is in its 8th year. Eight years of a humanitarian blockade. Eight years of isolation and abandonment by the international community. No sign of lasting peace or a resolution that guarantees anything close to freedom for the Nuba people and the Nuba church.
And yet, for those of us privileged to go to the Nuba to deliver your active compassion, we find morale very high. The churches are full. Worship services are genuinely joyful. It’s no wonder we’re seeing impressive growth of local congregations.
Armed with print and audio Bibles, evangelism backpacks, and other materials provided by PPF, teams of Nuba evangelists from local churches swarm over the hills delivering a much-needed message of forgiveness, peace, and reconciliation.
God is doing a great work in this remote, but strategic area of Africa. It has long been the goal of the Islamists in Khartoum, as well as the Muslim Brotherhood worldwide, to use Sudan as the launching pad to spread radical Wahhabism to sub-Saharan African countries. The Nuba church is a massive wall holding back this wave of extremism. But more than a wall of defense, the Nuba church is on the offense. Its weapons are the Sword of the Spirit, and a love for the lost.
We feel it is a great privilege to stand in solidarity with our persecuted brothers and sisters, who are not idly waiting for deliverance from their troubles. They know they are not the real victims in this war. The real victims are the perpetrators, whose hearts are enslaved to darkness. Only the love of Christ can set them free.
Because of your compassion and faithful support, the Nuba church is being equipped with the tools it needs to continue the work of witness. Those tools are not just the physical help… but the even more essential items of compassion, encouragement, and hope.