Mama Salma Usman is 74 years old. She lives in the Nuba mountains of Sudan. A widow, Salma tragically lost all her biological children. However, she’s a mother to many in her sphere of influence— including the team of Persecution Project engineers repairing broken well pumps in the Nuba. Recently, our team repaired a pump in Mama Salma’s village and the following is her testimony:
“I’m a very old woman as you can see. When our well pump broke eight months ago, I had to walk many hours to get water to support myself. It was very hard because I have arthritis. Since my children are dead, I have to fend for myself. So life was very hard for me.
“But today, I rejoice because you [PPF] have come and repaired our well. You have become my children. I have nothing to give you except some peanuts from my harvest. I am so grateful our Heavenly Father has answered my prayers.”