Persecution Project recently released its newest short film in the series, “Profiles of the Persecuted”, showcasing the work of Dr. Ahmed Zakariah in Sudan’s Nuba mountains.
You can view the film at
Dr. Ahmed has started to do the impossible: build a hospital in the middle of a war zone.

His intelligence and skill earned him the opportunity to go to school and work anywhere in the world. But when Islamists in Sudan attacked his community in the Nuba mountains, Dr. Ahmed chose to stay behind and serve his people. It was a decision that has nearly cost him his life.
The first time we met Dr. Ahmed, it was the day after his village was bombed. Dr. Ahmed was taking coffee at a little shop when people began pointing up to the sky. Seconds later, a government Antonov plane bombed the marketplace. Dr. Ahmed and the shop owner quickly put several ladies into the only nearby bomb shelter (which was just a big hole in the ground). As there was no more room for the men, they lay as flat as they could on the ground. But the first bomb struck just yards away.
The shrapnel ripped into the shopkeeper lying next to Dr. Ahmed, cutting the poor man in half. Dr. Ahmed was miraculously spared, save for several small shrapnel pieces that peppered his lower back.
Dr. Ahmed, now covered in the blood of the dead shopkeeper, immediately went to his hospital and began treating wounded— include six pregnant women who miscarried during the attack.

Today, Dr. Ahmed treats up to 3,000 patients per month during peak malaria season. At the same time, he continues to make construction progress on the hospital campus, using whatever supplies he can smuggle through the government-imposed blockade.
Persecution Project is privileged to partner with Dr. Ahmed in support of his medical mission and hospital construction— including a new maternity ward.
Please visit to watch the film and be inspired… then share the video with your community so they can join us in active compassion for the persecuted. Consider creating your own fundraising goal or team to help your community of friends support the persecuted community in Sudan.