Persecution Project’s ministry programs are divided into four mission areas: Safe Water, Relief and Shelter, Medical, and Discipleship and Evangelism.
To support these programs, PPF has started, and will continue to develop, campaigns of active compassion. These campaigns not only allow you to support an important outreach to our persecuted brothers and sisters, they provide the tools to compound your love by recruiting your friends and family to join your effort.

For this edition of Africa Messenger, we’re featuring two PPF Campaigns of Compassion for your consideration: DignityDrive.com and GotDairyGoats.com.

Sustainable famine relief is a major need in areas wracked by natural and man-made disasters. Our persecuted brothers and sisters in Sudan’s Nuba mountains have been subject to a government-imposed blockade since 2011. Added to this challenge has been years of inconsistent rainfall, causing crop failure in major agricultural districts.
To tackle this need, PPF has launched a campaign to provide dairy goats to select communities. Goats are very hardy animals and do well in the harsh climate of Sudan.
Moreover, they have lots of “kids”, providing a growing source of milk and meat to fill the gaps caused by famine conditions.
There will always be a need for emergency food outreaches in times of war, famine and persecution. But PPF’s Dairy Goat campaign is providing a long-term, sustainable solution to the Nuba food supply.

One dairy goat costs just $70 and is a gift that keeps giving day-after-day, year-after-year. Please visit GotDairyGoats.com today, to find out how you can bless the persecuted church in Sudan with sustainable famine relief.

As a ministry serving in conflict-ridden areas, we tend to focus on “major” needs like emergency food, medicine, shelter, etc. But sometimes “little” things can often have a bigger impact than one thinks.
We’ve found this to be the case with our Dignity Drive. By providing thousands of women with comfortable, reusable feminine hygiene kits, we encourage and energize the major life-force of community in the two Sudans.

Women who lack access to a safe, hygienic monthly solution miss out on educational and economic opportunities— not to mention exposed risk to higher rates of infection and disease.
For $20, we can provide a Dignity Kit to a woman or girl in need. More importantly, we provide encouragement and a reminder that we serve a God Who provides for all of our needs.
You can mobilize your church community to join you in contributing to make PPF’s Dignity Drive a continued success. Please visit DignityDrive.com today!