The two young men pictured are (L to R) Clement and Thomas. They live near Lohutuk, South Sudan, the home of the PPF-supported Jebel Lopit Training Center. They are both full of zeal for the Gospel, despite being threatened with beatings for sharing their faith with their animist family and friends.
The men are studying for their Certificate in Theology from the Imatong State Bible College. They not only know the Bible academically, they practice it! Persecution Project has provided Clement and Thomas with an evangelism backpack to help them reach their community with the gospel message. Our team is always encouraged when we hear all that these men are doing to share the Good News.
Please pray for Clement and Thomas, as their wives are not yet followers of Christ, causing them great sorrow, but driving them to pray that their example will be used of God to bring their families to faith.
Robert and Carol Bett, Kenyan missionaries with Africa Inland Mission, have invested much time in discipling these two men. The Jesus Film brought Robert to Christ… then Robert began discipling Clement and Thomas. Now these men are using the same film to bring others into the fellowship of faith.
You can help Persecution Project provide more evangelism backpacks to our brothers like Clement and Thomas by supporting our Discipleship and Evangelism program.