The Monday Massacre

On Monday, June 3rd, after months of protest in Sudan’s capital city, Khartoum, the ruling Islamist Military Council launched a full-scale attack on the popular uprising which has demanded an end to military rule in the country. The attack was led by the infamous RSF militias, also known as the Janjaweed (Devils on Horseback), and…
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Broken People Serving Broken People

By Pamela Grillis What happens to a servant who can no longer serve his Master and the Master’s household in ways long accustomed? In literature and in real life, too often such a servant is set aside or turned away. But it is not so with my Master, nor with the household I serve.  My…
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Healer of the Nations

We know God is our “Great Physician.” In His generosity towards us, He often chooses to work His healing power through the compassion of willing hands. Persecution Project has been privileged to partner with one particular pair of willing hands. They belong to Dr. Ahmed Zakariah, a heroic physician seeking to do the impossible: build…
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“Medina’s Song” Premiers in the Nuba

The Persecution Project Team recently visited the Nuba mountains, bringing several large consignments of relief— but also something very special: a film premier. The Nuba premier of Medina’s Song in the very community where it was shot was very special and encouraging to the viewers. When we suffer through a major trial in life, it’s…
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The Coup that Never Was

After nearly five months of continuous, coordinated protests across Sudan, the 30-year reign of Islamo-fascist Dictator Omar al Bashir came crashing down via a military coup on April 11th, 2019 – At least, that’s what we were told by the mainstream media. “Fake News” seemed to reach new levels when article after article reported that…
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More Medicine on the Way!

The Africa-based PPF team recently sent over several photos showing the loading of several tons of medicines onboard a container bound for the embattled Nuba mountains. Persecution Project is a member of a Nuba medical consortium consisting of the few remaining organizations working behind the lines to provide basic health services to 1.5 million Nuba…
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Medina’s Song: A Profile of the Persecuted

Wife. Mother. Teacher. Artist. Warrior. Patriot. Medina is all these things and more. She’s also one of the “unknowns” in a terrible conflict most of the world has ignored. Medina lives in the war-torn Nuba mountains of Sudan. Her story, though tragic, is full of hope and beauty. Every day she struggles to provide for…
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Clinging to Power

In recent weeks, Sudan’s dictator, Omar al Bashir, announce a state of emergency, suspended the constitution, and dismissed his state governors in a desperate attempt to divert attention from the systemic collapse of his government’s regime and a nationwide popular uprising calling for his removal. Peaceful protests have been met with a severe crackdown involving…
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A Great Work

“Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their labor.” (Eccl. 4:9) The war-torn Nuba mountains of Sudan have been under an Islamist government-imposed humanitarian blockade since June 2011. Think about that for a minute. That’s nearly eight years. Can you imagine living in your home state and being cut off…
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Persecution Project Emergency Borehole Repair Team

“Water is life,” and safe water can prevent 80+ percent of all disease in Africa. This is the reason why Persecution Project’s Emergency Borehole Repair Program is one of the most important outreaches our Safe Water Projects supports. By repairing broken well pumps, we literally give the gift of life to our brothers and sisters…
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