A New Dawn


The included photos highlight just a few of the people and communities impacted by your active compassion throughout 2020.

Your partnership resulted in our finishing the year very strong and ready to launch into 2021. We’re very optimistic about 2021, and not because the introduction of Covid vaccines and better therapeutics means we could hopefully see a slow return to what was considered “normalcy.”

No, we are optimistic about 2021 because 2020 was such a beautiful reminder that God “owns the cattle on a thousand hills,” and He will provide for His people, shutdowns or no shutdowns; pandemics or no pandemics.

Were there challenges? Yes. Were there cancelations and delays? Of course. Working in a very difficult area of the world is never predictable or easy, and like battle plans in a war, our best-made plans for ministry are often thrown out after the “first shot is fired.”

This man receives a Bible with his emergency relief pack.
This man receives a Bible with his emergency relief pack.
This woman learns how to use a Bible radio.
This woman learns how to use a Bible radio.
New Rubb Halls help position relief supplies closer to distributions.
New Rubb Halls help position relief supplies closer to distributions.

But through it all, God provides. He sustains, because He is in control – it’s His work. His love endures. Great is His faithfulness.

The year 2020 reminded us all not to take anything for granted. At a moment’s notice, our “reality” can completely change and force us to adapt to things never expected. As we begin 2021, we have a fresh memory of God’s amazing grace in the work of this organization, and His enduring kindness for leading you to join our team.

Your gifts made all this possible!

Pastors attend a Nuba conference
Pastors attend a Nuba conference

We pray your 2021 will be filled with further examples of God’s goodness and faithfulness to you!

Borehole repair.JPG
Relief and Med Pack Distribution.jpg
Pastors participate in a Trauma Healing Workshop
Pastors participate in a Trauma Healing Workshop
A pastor receives dairy animals
A pastor receives dairy animals
Pastor Musa on his new motorbike
Pastor Musa on his new motorbike

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