A Burden of Good News


In Pilgrim’s Progress, Christian is portrayed as a man carrying an enormous burden; one only Christ can remove from his shoulders.

And yes, Christ removes Christian’s burden. But He replaces it with a new one. Jesus says “My yoke is easy and my burden is light.” We believe the lightness of Christ’s burden is due to it being one which impels us to help others learn how they, too, can find relief. It is a burden of good news; a burden of love.

In Sudan, the persecuted church carries many burdens of love to its community. Some of these “carried burdens” include relief and shelter items for the displaced, safe water for the thirsty, and medicine for the sick.

Pastor Morris with Pastor Bolis Abusuwano Ajail and Evangelist Angelo Abulishan Anadim.jpg

One of the most popular burdens is literally carried. It is our Evangelism Backpacks; and thanks to your active compassion, dozens of these highly mobile systems have been distributed throughout Sudan.

In 2020, six additional Vista 200 Bright solar-powered video projection systems were purchased from our partners at Renew World Outreach. Each projector system includes a battery, solar panels, mini-cube speakers, carrying case, flashlight, and all the necessary cables.

The backpacks also include pre-loaded 16 GB microSD cards, each containing 12 films, including The JESUS Film in Modern Arabic, Sudanese Arabic, Moro, and English, and Story of Jesus for Children in Modern Arabic and English.

Covid-19 delays meant the projectors arrived in Sudan later than expected. Nuba Pastors Morris Kartina and Matta Mubarak then distributed these Backpack Projectors to pastors and evangelists, who will take them throughout multiple locations within the Nuba mountains and broadcast the films to tens of thousands of families.

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In 2021, we have already received six additional Evangelism Backpacks to courier over to East Africa. With your continued support, these burdens of good news will be carried many thousands of miles to be an encouragement and a witness to our spiritual family in Sudan.


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