25 Years of “Active Compassion”

Persecution Project began as a campaign in 1997 to raise awareness of Christian persecution on the continent of Africa. In 2000, the campaign incorporated as the Persecution Project Foundation. This year, we celebrate our 25th year of ministry, thanks to the faithful partnership of so many friends and ministry partners like you.

The year 2021 was a tumultuous one for the nation of Sudan. The fragile transitional government was dissolved by the military towards the end of the year and millions of people marched in protest. The Islamist kleptocrats who have ruled the country for decades do not want to lose any power to “the street.” This increasing political instability has contributed to more and more ethnic Nuba moving back to their war-torn homeland to find peace and freedom. This increase in population has put a lot of stress on local resources.

But there is a very positive side to all of this— and you are a big part of it. Your giving made 2021 one of the busiest and most productive in the history of our organization. We saw increases in the overall number of donors, and the amounts contributed. What this means is that God used your “active compassion” to equip PPF so we could adequately minister to this surge of returnees coming home to the Nuba mountains.

Persecution Projects’ Emergency Well-Repair Team on the move in Sudan
Pregnant moms are treated for malaria at Gigaiba Referral Hospital.

Moreover, your giving has financially positioned us to begin our 25th year of ministry very strong and active. Because of your love in 2021, we will continue to advocate and act on behalf of the marginalized and persecuted with prayers and programs serving spiritual and physical needs in 2022.

Relief supplies and spare parts positioned for distribution to the field.

The Nuba church in Sudan continues to lead the way towards a “New Sudan.” United in war, the church stands ready to lead in peace. We have a unique opportunity in 2022 to continue to stand with the local church in serving a bruised but unbroken people.

As we begin our 25th year of service, we sincerely thank the thousands of individuals, businesses, and churches who God has used over these years to be the hands and feet of Christ to His persecuted flock in Africa.

Bibles ready for distribution
Repaired well pumps thanks to your active compassion

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